VOC Certification.

Guaranteeing people’s well-being, in addition to being a basic principle for Isolgomma, is also a promise we make to our customers. Therefore, obtaining the VOC certification is another essential step in maintaining this commitment.

But what’s VOC?

VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) are harmful substances, often scentless and invisible, which can be released into the air by products and, consequently, absorbed through breathing by the people who live or work in the environments in which these products are installed.

Side effects due to high concentrations of VOC in the air can be mild, such as a simple sensory discomfort, but also very serious and therefore cause important changes in the health state.

VOC Certification.

The VOC certification detects the quantity of volatile organic compounds harmful to health that is released from a product in the environment in which it is placed and labels it according to a performance class between A +, which represents the best class, and C, which represents the worst.

Although in Italy there is still no obligation for VOC certification, Isolgomma has equally chosen to certify its best-selling products, to ensure customers pay particular attention to the environments air quality in which our acoustic insulation products are installed.

Our VOC certified products.

Would you like to ask us for more information on the VOC certification of our products?

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